Our Mission
and Vision
The Midland Church of God is a welcoming, worshipping, and praying Pentecostal Church. It is our goal to do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission. We do this by making sure those who attend are connected to: God, each other, the local community, and the global community. Through these connections, it is our prayer that God will use us to have a lasting impact on those we come in contact with.
Connecting People to…

We want all who come here to have a life-changing encounter with God. We want them to accept Jesus as their personal savior and help them become more and more like him
every day.

Each Other
We want all who come to our church to know that there are people here who love them. We want to make sure that no one feels left out but all are welcome to be a part of our family. We want to make you feel at home.

Local Community
We believe that God has specifically placed our church in this community for a reason. Our goal is to be involved in our community as much as possible. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community.

Global Community
We believe that our work does not stop just in our local community. We want to play a role in seeing the light of Jesus spread all around the globe. Our prayer is that our local church would have a global reach.
For more information about our denominational beliefs, please click the button below:
Church of God
Cleveland, TN